After nearly 50 years of doing diagnostic assessments with kids of all kinds of abilities and challenges, I have observed that a single IQ (Intelligence Quotient) score reflects only a tiny segment of an individual’s God-given capacity combined with systematic learning and more random life experiences. Beyond the three obvious categories of visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning which traditional measures of human intelligence assess, there are clearly other areas of human learning potential.

Since the early 1980s, Howard Gardner, Ph.D., Research Professor of Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education (retired 2019) has developed theories and research to support what we all observe in our children, no matter what their strengths or disabilities. See http://www.pz.harvard.edu/who-we-are/people/howard-gardner for more information.

Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Summarized

  1. Verbal-linguistic intelligence: well-developed verbal skills and sensitivity to the sounds, meanings and rhythms of words. These kids are “word smart” from an early age.
  2. Logical-mathematical intelligence: ability to think conceptually and abstractly, and capacity to discern logical and numerical patterns. These kids think in terms of numbers and logic.
  3. Spatial-visual intelligence: capacity to think in images and pictures, to visualize accurately and abstractly, reflected by advanced artistic abilities and an amazing sense of direction.
  4. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence: ability to control one’s body movements and to handle objects skillfully. These kids may be gifted athletes, actors, dancers or even craftspeople.
  5. Musical intelligence: ability to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch and sounds. These kids may be called musical prodigies.
  6. Interpersonal intelligence: capacity to detect and respond appropriately to the moods, motivations and desires of others. These are the kids with caring hearts that listen to the concerns of others.
  7. Intrapersonal intelligence: capacity to be self-aware and in tune with inner feelings, values, beliefs and thinking processes. These kids may exhibit a strong sense of self-confidence if their self-awareness is balanced and supported.
  8. Naturalist intelligence: ability to recognize and categorize plants, animals and other objects in nature, and identify with their surrounding natural environment.
  9. Existential intelligence: sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about human existence such as, “What is the meaning of life? Why do we die? How did we get here?” These are your child philosophers and theologians, constantly asking their parents these deeper questions that few of us can answer.

OBADIAH: The Pride of Our Hearts Has Deceived Us

So in the single chapter of Obadiah, the people of Edom (the descendants of Esau, Jacob’s twin brother) think they are invincible in the fortress stronghold where they live, but are warned of coming destruction. “The pride of your heart has deceived you . . . You who say in your heart, Who will bring me down? . . . I will bring your down, says the LORD.” (v3-4) The people of Edom even incited violence against Israel through their alliances with Israel’s enemies. “For your violence against your brother Jacob, shame shall cover you.” (v10) “For the day of the LORD upon all nations is near; as you have done, it shall be done to you.” All sobering reminders that God desires our hearts to be humble before Him, and that we need to prayerfully consider where we have put our loyalties.😇


Amos was a shepherd and tended fig trees (my kind of guy – did you know I grow fig trees here at our farm in the mountains of Western PA?) His is the same message as the previous “minors” – doom and gloom for Israel, Judah and the neighboring nations for their appalling social and spiritual corruption, their abuse of the poor and down-trodden. But I love Chapter 9:6 where God reveals His design and power in nature – “He Who builds His layers in the sky (wow! 😲 I didn’t know the Bible talked about the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere!) “And has founded His strata in the earth.” (amazing! the crust, the mantle and the core described in the 700s B.C. by a farmer!) And as always, God gives us hope, throughout Chapter 5 – “Seek the Lord and live.” “Seek good and not evil, that you may live; so the Lord God of hosts will be with you.” “Hate evil, love good; establish justice in the gate (seat of government/courts).” So my take-away from Amos is to do my small small part to establish justice by urging evangelical Christian leaders (starting with Jim Daly at Focus on the Family) to start a letter-writing campaign to Biden, Harris and their administration to keep in place the sanctity of life protections such as continuing to deny Title X funding to Planned Parenthood, not allowing taxpayer money to fund abortions at home and overseas (the Hyde Amendment), and not requiring religious employers to pay for employees’ contraceptives (including the Day After pill). WHO will join me in this small effort?


So a national Christian leader, Jim Daly of Focus on the Family, has just stepped out calling for a time of prayer tomorrow, Inauguration Day! Hallelujah! Here is the info: Let’s come together tomorrow, Inauguration Day at 10 a.m. ET across the country to pray and humbly seek God’s face. Will you join us for this very important moment for our nation? We can each do this one small thing – who knows how God will move when He hears the humble prayers of simple believers?Follow this link to the Focus on the Family YouTube channel to pray with us LIVE or watch and pray as you are able: FocusOnTheFamily.com/NationalPrayer

HOSEA: Where are the godly leaders who will unite our sadly divided country?

So in Hosea 4:1-3, God is talking to Israel, but this sure seems applicable to America in January 2021! “The Lord brings a charge (accusation) against the inhabitants of the land. There is no truth or mercy or knowledge of God in the land. By swearing and lying, killing and stealing and committing adultery, they break all restraint, with bloodshed upon bloodshed. Therefore the land will mourn, and everyone who dwells there will waste away.” So true, so true . . . all restraint was broken during the mob attack on the US Capitol on January 6. Regardless of our individual political views, many of us as Christians are mourning the lawlessness that occurred that day. 😢And, having lived and traveled a lot overseas during times of political unrest in other countries, I have seen that people with anarchist agendas who take violent action against legitimate governmental processes would not hesitate to attack my home and family (or yours!) So what solution does Hosea provide to this tragic dilemma? Chapter 6:1 “Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn, but He will heal us.” HALLELUJAH! 😇 So simple – repentant hearts individually and within the nation! WHO will declare a national day of prayer and repentance? WHERE are the godly leaders who will unite our sadly divided country, not by political mandates, but by humbling calling on our Sovereign God? Am I personally willing to contact my legislators, and even President-elect Biden, to urge them to do this? WHO will join me in making these calls?


I have been plowing through the 12 books of Minor Prophets in the Bible as part of our church’s read-through-the-Bible program. Definitely NOT my favorite reading with all the doom and gloom, but amazingly timely for this chaotic time in American history. Most of the prophets were just ordinary men whom God called to warn Israel, Judah and even their enemies of imminent judgment because of the turning of God’s people from their commitment to the One True Creator God. Corruption, violence, oppression of the poor and lies spread by the religious and governmental leaders had brought these societies to an all-time low (sound familiar?) Over the next 2 weeks, I am going to post a key verse from each Minor Prophet and some sort of personal application for my own life. Trusting this will be a blessing and a challenge to some of you.

How to Buy My Homeschool Start-Up Manuals

As I look toward retirement and ease out of my professional homeschool involvement, I am mentoring other people who are taking over some of my work load. While I am still selling the Whatzup Manual for Homeschooling Special Needs Students in PA, Mrs. Cindy Brown now owns all the rights to my two Start-Up manuals for homeschooling (Elementary and High School). Effective August 1, 2020, Cindy will be updating and selling the manuals directly to interested families. You may contact her at

Cindy Brown <cindyb8.cb@gmail.com>


Keys to Getting Across the Message that Character Counts

1)  Make sure your own relationship with God is up-to-date and alive so you can set a godly example, be consistent in your own life, and walk the talk.

2)  Teach Spiritual truths regularly and systematically, through family devotions, Bible study, church involvement, community service, and discussion of current events.  Most of all, teach discernment so your kids will notice right away when something they see or hear is not right . . .  Here is a funny example!

Years ago, my then-8-year old daughter Amanda and I caught a small ring snake in the yard, and after getting it to slither into a large jar with plants and rocks to observe it for a few hours, I suggested that Amanda label the jar so no one would open it by mistake.  After a few minutes I heard a loud, “Oh No!”  and found Amanda trying to scrub off the Magic Marker words she had just written on the lid.  “What’s the matter?”  I asked.  “I just KNEW something was wrong as soon as I wrote the words!”  she exclaimed, as she showed me her spelling mistake:  “Danger!  Do not open!  S-N-A-C-K inside.”  Just as Amanda knew right away that something was wrong when she tried to write the word snake, we need to train our children to know immediately when something isn’t right morally and spiritually.

3)  Teach your children to perceive the needs of others, and do something this week to try to meet someone’s needs, either in the family or within the broader community.  Donating money on-line to a favorite charity such as the Salvation Army or your local food bank is a do-able option when you are stuck at home.

4)  Set specific goals for each child, not just for academics, but also for life skills, spiritual development and character qualities.

5)  Start a Life Notebook for each child – a portfolio of character development.  Include your goals for their character growth, and how you intend to help them achieve those goals; write down Scripture passages that you discover  which seem custom-made for their current needs; teach them how to keep a prayer journal; start a journal of gratefulness in which they keep copies of thank you notes they have written to people who have influenced their lives.

IDEA:  This week have each of your children write a note of appreciation to one front-line worker who is helping to keep life going during this pandemic – a doctor or nurse, an EMT or fireman, your postal worker, the grocery check-out lady, your pastor . . . Either mail or have a parent hand-deliver the notes this week.

Use this forced time-at-home to develop strength of character and leadership skills in your children so when they reach adulthood, they can be a vital part of setting America back on course.


Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.”

Sheltering-at-home is beginning to get tiresome, isn’t it?  Is it possible to find anything positive coming out of the family togetherness that Covid-19 has forced upon us all?

Yes!  Extensive family time provides an ideal setting for developing strength of character and leadership abilities in our children.  We have the necessary ingredients of time, close relationships with our children, and real-life opportunities to practice what we preach.

We need to see godly kids taking active leadership roles NOW in the small arenas of their lives!  What should our children be doing after the corona virus quarantine is lifted?  They should be speaking out about community issues, serving in church, in 4H and Scouts, at community events, nursing homes and hospitals, writing letters to the Editor, visiting elected officials, working alongside business people and more.

Our children need kid-sized experiences which will enable them to put into practice the character and leadership skills we are trying to teach them.  They do NOT need to develop a dog-eat-dog competitive attitude, but they DO need to learn how to work within the existing system to make a difference.  HOW can they do this?  What skills and traits do we need to instill in our children so they can stand strong for godly truth, and rally others to action?

  1. Qualities of a leader (Jay Kesler – former President at Taylor University)
    • strength of character and the courage of your convictions
    • communicate clearly, especially listening to the words and intentions of others
    • delegate responsibilities to others working with you
    • inspire others to catch your vision and stick with the project
    • stay focused, keep the end goal in mind
    • develop projects to help others
    • servant’s heart, see a need and DO something
    • resolve conflicts, make peace without compromising principles
    • think creatively, anticipate consequences
    • be willing to evaluate risks, make a decision and act
    • demonstrate teachable spirit, take correction cheerfully
    • make the best of failure, learn from it, and try again
    • be filled with God’s Spirit

Parents and grandparents, we need to be modeling and teaching these leadership qualities to our children in our own homes, in our churches and communities.  And we need to support one another, and applaud other young people who DO make a difference!

Come back again for Part 2:  How to Get Across the Message that Character Counts

Cue Cards for Parents of Teenagers During Shelter-At-Home

When “stuck-at-home” tensions crop up within our families, we tend to forget how wonderful our kids really are, especially as they enter the teen years and begin demonstrating some autonomous behaviors with which we are not altogether comfortable (behaviors and attitudes which are, frankly, outrageous but usually temporary!) Teens’ over-reactions will probably be exacerbated by the anxieties associated with the corona virus pandemic, including blow-ups, crying spells and sullen withdrawal.

Sometimes we parents are the ones who need a behavior management program to train ourselves to shrug off the transient, “I’m-just-trying-to-find-myself” behaviors, and to strongly nurture and encourage every small effort that our teen makes to respond in a civilized manner.

Here are some self-prompts that I often using in counseling sessions which are helpful for parents to use to remind themselves to take strong notice when their teens do the right thing. In addition to the verbal nurturing, I recommend showing whatever physical affection is meaningful to your young person – arm around the shoulder, hug or high five. If you live together in the same house and everybody is healthy, social distancing is not required as you show affection and affirmation to your kids.

1. Thank you, _______(teen’s name), for doing ________ (task) without being reminded. I appreciate how you have jumped right in to help with household chores and include your brothers and sisters in your backyard fitness activities. You are awesome!

2. Wow! Look at these on-line school test grades! I am soooo proud of you! You are such an amazing student!

3. ________ (teen’s name), you did an excellent job on ______ (task). I am so impressed with the diligence you showed on this. Thank you!

4. ________(teen’s name), I am so impressed with the self-control you showed just now. I know this is a hot topic for you, but I really appreciate the heroic effort you just made to respond in a respectful manner. Thank you so much! You are awesome!

5. ________(teen’s name), I feel that there is a root issue here that we need to discuss, but let’s each take a 15 minute time-out so we can both calm down and discuss things more calmly a little later. I am going to _______ (state where and what you’ll be doing). What are you going to be doing for the next 15 minutes? (Wait for response.) Great. Let’s meet in the kitchen at _______ (state exact time) and spend 10 minutes brainstorming about solutions to this issue.

6. ________(teen’s name), I praise God that you are such an amazing daughter! Your willingness to share your feelings and thoughts about these tough topics means so much to me.

7. ________(teen’s name), when I was watching you __________ (describe skill like playing the piano, activity such as backyard soccer, interaction with siblings), I was so amazed at the progress you have made. God has really gifted you in this area. What can I do to help you continue to excel in this area? (Teen might need more time, more professional instruction, better equipment or supplies, help with organizing his/her time to get in more practice, etc.)